
SKU: 838047 The Hitler Dilemma

The Hitler Dilemma
Purchase The Hitler Dilemma
  • SKU: 838047 The Hitler Dilemma

    A Mormon Boy in the German Army

    Carolyn Twede Frank


Saarbrucken, Germany—1938

Change is in the air in Max Adams's small village: the censorship of classic literature, the math and science courses, the addition of extra physical education classes. Along with thousands of other young men, he is forced into the Hitler Youth and is being groomed to become part of the next generation of Nazi soldiers. But as a faithful Latter-day Saint, how can Max serve the villain who destroyed his younger brother in his effort to create a Master Race—a man who is bent on tearing apart not only a single nation but also the entire world?

From the horrors of battle and the sorrow of separation from family to the privations of a prisoner of war, Carolyn Twede Frank's groundbreaking novel The Hitler Dilemma is a poignant chronicle of one remarkable young man's struggle to reconcile his sense of duty with his staunch opposition to the evil tyrant destroying the country he loves.