
SKU: 335317 Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Purchase Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
  • SKU: 335317 Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

    Joseph Fielding Smith


Joseph Smith. . . has brought forth. . . many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men (D&C 135:3).

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the seminal work compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, is one of the most cited, and highly acclaimed books in LDS literature.

This landmark volume includes the well,known King Follett discourse and other beloved writings and sermons, along with comprehensive accounts of Joseph's teachings from his early days in Kirtland to his final days at Nauvoo, in a convenient chronological arrangement.

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith makes an ideal gift for missionaries, recent converts, and for anyone who wants to know more about this incredible prophet, the Church, and principles of the gospel. This valuable reference tool is a must,have for members of the Church and should have a place in every home library.