
SKU: 1374797 Out of the Best Books

Out of the Best Books
Purchase Out of the Best Books
  • SKU: 1374797 Out of the Best Books

    S. Michael Wilcox


From Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables to Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, the characters of classic literature have stood the test of time. There are countless reasons to pick up a good book but is it possible to find eternal truths in secular works? In Out of the Best Books, Latter-day Saint scholar S. Michael Wilcox demonstrates that when it comes to learning gospel principles, truth can shine forth in all good works and literary classics are a prime example.
With underlying lessons on life, faith, and eternal characteristics, secular works can inspire as surely as religious volumes. It is through the experience of characters like Atticus Finch, Elinor Dashwood, and Ebenezer Scrooge that their authors' inspired words have the power to create life-changing lessons for readers. Learn to find inspiration, wisdom, and spiritual knowledge in the age-old classics. God is in every good thing you just have to look.