
SKU: 528726 On This Holy Day

On This Holy Day
Purchase On This Holy Day
  • SKU: 528726 On This Holy Day

    Mark Geslison,Geoff Groberg


On This Holy Day: 30 Acoustic Hymns for the Sabbath is a collection of beautiful hymns specifically chosen to enhance the spirit in your home. Mark Geslison, Geoff Groberg, and other talented musicians use an array of acoustic instruments to masterfully perform each piece, including songs like:
 "Be Still, My Soul"
 "Abide With Me"
 "The Lord is My Shepherd"
 "I Need Thee Every Hour"
 "O, My Father"
 "Nearer, My God, to Thee"

. . . and many more. The result is a warm, inviting style, reminiscent of the old,world sound that is the trademark of their best,selling albums. This two, set makes a great gift, is perfect for missionaries, and will be a welcome addition to every Sunday music library.